Kubernetes — harbor robot account

Aug 11, 2021

harbor has a feature that can create a robot account

robot account just can pull or push(you can choose)

create a harbor robot account

harbor will generate a pair with "robot$xxx" and "token"

then, you can apply in automation script or k8s cluster

the pros is the robot account limit authority that reduce security problems

K8s can setting secrets to pull private registry => link

I’m trying using the harbor robot account and token as k8s secret to pull image.

$ kubectl create secret docker-registry harbor-registry-secret —- docker-server=xxx.com --docker-username=robot$xxx --docker-password=xxx

However, after add k8s secret success, when I pull image using that secret will return “ImagePullBackOff” and show unauthorized

then I figure our this problem by escape dollar sign

I create the secret using

--docker-username=”robot\$xxx” instead of 

The harbor robot account in k8s secret worked!

